
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ying Ying was the little girl who was killed my the mother's boyfriend mid this year in Penang. Chopped into pieces and such. You get the picture.
Well, people being INNOVATIVE, have came up with a documentary about it. Yes, on her being chopped into pieces.
Lucky for us, the Penangites DVD sellers refuse to sell it out of respect for the father. Though I am sure you can always get a copy of this in Batu Ferrighi.
I wonder what's so documentary about it.

And This Is Why

Darling making flu remedy for me during the exam period.

Darling cooking porridge for me during the exam period.

Darling waking up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for me for no particlar reason.

The delicious breakfast.

The 3 sleep companions that my Darling bought for me! I notice all of them have rather large mouths!

Actions speak louder than words. Not any guy would share household chores with me willingly. Not any guy would gladly do the mopping of the house for you lest your hands would hurt. Not any guy would walk automatically to the laundry area to help you hang your clothes when it's done washing without being asked to do so.
I am joyous regardless of being the poor country rats that both of us are.

Family Matters

Monday, December 17, 2007

Dear XXX,

I have just talked to my mother on the phone today and I believe by this, you know why am I writting this email? What she told me just now was again, I felt, another dissapointment and I do admit that I am terribly upset about it. I don't mean to sound offensive here but I believe that there are some things that I wish to convey to you about how I feel personally and I hope you will be able to understand me.

My mom has made a fair bit of choices and decisions in our family matters; and decisions are what decisions are meant to be, meaning that you can't always please everyone. But nevertheless, decisions MUST be made and my sisters and I have accepted those decisions with open minds. We reserve our highest respects for our mother and for who she is, the decisions she made and we chose to stand by her through thick and thin. We don't expect other outsiders to understand our family matters nor do we wish for them to do so but yes, we do expect our family members to respect us for who we are today; after all, that is the very basic meaning as a family. I personally do not feel that what we have been through should render us to receive less levels of respect from other people.

I guess you would have as much as guessed this by now, but the reason on why we never turned up during your tea ceremony was because my uncle wasn't invited. We have always accepted him as a part of our family so yes, it came as a shock to us then, after all the hype that my sisters and I had in going to your tea ceremony. And families make decisions as a family.

I also personally think that if my sisters and I have accepted the path that my mom has chosen to take, then I think it is good enough a reason for anyone to just accept it and be happy for us. I think you would understand my point of view right?

I am truly upset over the matter and of course dissapointed and feel the need to tell you what is bothering me. I have such love and respect for my mother and it angers me to see her being unjustly treated like that. I hope I have made myself clear then.

It is such a sad thing, for what was supposed to be a happy wedding event with a purpose of bringing the family together to celebrate for the joyous couple, have to turn out like this.

Note to Self

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's interesting how we continously discover about ourselves as we go on in our daily duties no? I have made another new one. I realised I am NOT efficient when I am idle. *laughs* Funny but it is indeed true! I can't remember the last time I was THIS free, with nothing much to look forward to everyday. I have always been so busy since my secondary school days that when it stops suddenly, I don't quite know how to go about it. I also realised I studied harder when I don't have time to spare in one sem where all work, dance and studies caught on! I am ROTTING! I no longer bother about the news, I heck the sweeping of floor, I don't even wash my toilet as I used to do every 2 days!
Have I mentioned how I don't look forward to searching for jobs? It brings your confidence level down, not to mention popping up everyday to check for any interesting mails and feeling all distressed again because none came in. I can't help it!
I need to be home.

Quiz Box

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Weird Dream

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I dreamnt. That I was a MOTHER of a little boy of 2 or 3 years old. And that I neglected him. I would be napping, waking up only to find him in a puddle of his own urine, only to realise that he hadn't bathe since yesterday. Sometimes he would hid underneath the table, and I realised that I forgot to feed him. But yet, he was still all smiley telling me he was fine. GOSH. Was I afraid that I might neglect my child one day?

What Pushes You

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I always wonder, what went through their minds at that point of time. To be so gutsy to take on that single journey to the realm that is unknown to everyone of us. To do it alone,knowing that you will never see your loved ones again.
I wonder what flashed across his eyes when he jumped. Was it regret? Did he realise that there is no more turning back when the feet is no longer on a solid platform?
My condolences to Mr. Ting.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I think I am idealistic. And for that, I think that it is only practical to accept that life might hold a lot of dissapointments for me; simply because, it is just NOT as ideal as it may seem.
Then again, don't YOU have an ideal view of something yourself? That people, no matter how evil they are, might just have a little good in them? That maybe we should not be pissed with the moody waitress just now, because then maybe her boyfriend just broke up with her today?
HAH! Maybe I am not idealistic, but rather, I am pretty optimistic? Everybody deserves to be given that little benefit of the doubt after all.

Planning for Post Exams

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Let's see. I will end my exams in 2 days' time! (that will be a tough paper by the way) I have so many things in my mind of what I want to do!
1. Get a good srcub
2. Trim my forest look a like brows
3. Do a facial.
4. Personal manicure. :P (I enjoy pampering myself by grooming and more often than not, I usually don't have time for all this.
5. I need to do something to my untamed mane! It looks like a broom!
6. Get a swim and a good jog. (I have put on SO much weight; it's unthinkable)
7. Read the books that I have been wanting to read.
8. Buy some new clothes. (I have been losing clothes for some weird reason)
9. Buy presents for mommy, sis, bro in law. (I have been wanting to buy things for them)
On the people I want to meet and places I want to go:
1. Of course, Min is at the top of my list. (happy? *laughs* zoukout!) and Francis too!
2. Bee Lee will be staying at my place for her biz trip.
3. Mel for pizza and drinking frenzy
4. Ras for yakking and eating frenzy (why do I contradict myself?)
5. Spend more time with Deon, Bish, Mich, Seong and Jing.
6. Want to go out with Daphne and Jenny.
7. I think I will make an appointment with Sally too.
58 Uh-oh, I need to meet up with my FYP supervisor soon (Means reading the marketing book asap)
9. Need to do a group celebration for the Biz Plan Competition.
10. Need to attend the Biz consultancy course that we won.
11. OH! I nearly forgot. *sheepish smile* Needs to meet up with one of the judges who is interested in our idea.
12. That reminds me that we need to meet up with my team's mentor!
13. I also have to meet cousin for her to update me on her wedding!
14. I also need to start applying for jobs!!!!
Okay, now that I have listed it out. I dont think I will have much time left after exams to finish all these before returning to Pg for a while.

The New Addition

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

ooooooo another one to the family! Nope, not one of my sis's this time, but my cousin's! Such tiny little eyes but adorable ones too!!!

I have a feeling my kid next time will have eyes like his! *roars*

A big welcome to dear Mann Ronn!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ever came back from an exam and felt like you have been to war? This is how I feel right now. URGH.
Brain's not working anymore.

Feline Frenzy

Monday, November 19, 2007

Really, I don't think the cats look TOO happy with themselves.

Can't they just do away the dresses and let them be?

Wedding Bells

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My cousin has asked me to help her during her wedding! :D

Congratulations dearie *smiles*
  1. Su Yin's wedding on the 23rd Dec
  2. Darling's sis's engagement party on the 24th Dec
  3. Cindy's wedding on the 28th Dec

Is December a month for marriage or what?


Friday, November 16, 2007

Kris has left.

Just said our goodbyes to dear old Kris. It's pretty sad though, but I am definitely happy for his change of job and the good times he can look forward to in China. New place, new experience!

Kris has been a very good companion to me since my days in Hall Three when I first entered university. When I had no one and Kris was the only Malaysian in my block whom I happen to click very well with! Who would have thought that we would also become housemates someday! *smiles*

Hope to see you real soon ol' man.

Save the turtles!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Smart innovation!

"The use of circular-shaped hooks lets fishing crews more easily remove hooks from the mouths of loggerhead, leatherback and other turtles caught up in long lines meant to catch fish and prevents them from bleeding to death"

Turtles and tortoises are such pitiful creatures. Walk so slowly to begin with and to top that up, when a predator attacks, all they do is suck their heads back in!

No such thing as "Stand up and fight a battle, son!"

Russian Oil Spill

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Killed 30 000 poor birds which were finding shelter near the shore during the storm. *sigh- heart aching*

On a totally unrelated matter, I wonder, how people commit massacres, shooting random people they met along the school corridor and then, shot themselves.

Did they shoot themselves out of guilt?
No, I dont think so.

Did they shoot themselves because they, anyway, thought of dying in the first place? So, might as well bring the others down too?

Then, what is it that they glorify about the previous people who had also committed a massacre and then kill themselves?
That they were damn brave people?

Are these people so depressed that they no longer see faith in other folks?

Then why in the world they talk to other people about weaponry and commiting massacre!!! It only goes on to show that they are not the only ones in the world! Which means they are not entirely depressed or lonely then!

"he had been in touch with MANY PEOPLE through the Internet, with whom he discussed videos and Web sites on "military issues, violence and weaponry,"

How many of them out there share the same sick thoughts?


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Testing out the new template! I like it though it is a bit narrow.... wish it'd be wider!


Sunday, October 28, 2007

“We have no choice but to make sure that our women are well trained and skilled if we want our economy to continue developing,”

Funny, that it should come from a woman minister. No choice???


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My tribute to Mr. Lim Goh Tong, who has passed away this morning.

You are indeed, a great man.

I wonder

Monday, October 15, 2007

" Do not let your job conform you next time."

I wonder whether I will be able to tolerate thoughtlesness of certain people next time.

I wonder whether will I be able to look forward to my job everyday.

I wonder whether have I made the correct decision for myself.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

After like.... wha?? how many months has it been since I last wrote?? *smiles* And tonnes of things had happened to me since then! Let's see:

  • started my work with eFusion, quit and started my work with International Relations Office
  • Darling promised me to Redang or Tioman and he still owes me!
  • started my final year in NTU
  • moved out from hostel and now staying in a cosy unit near NTU
  • met a few pretty important people
  • joined business plan competition and wow, got into semi finals now
  • wants to win bpc so that my grad trip will be free!! muahahahahahah

My condolences extended to Nurin's family... and to the other families who have lost or nearly lost their loved ones... I truly wish something else could have been done to prevent those horrific actions by those sick people of whom I wonder, what had happened to them before to ignite such terrible acts. In some ways, I think somewhere along their bringing up, somewhere must have gone very wrong.


Friday, May 25, 2007

It is at the crossroads in lives that you begin to wonder about the paths that you have taken and the roads that were abandoned. It is at this moment, when I was trotting confidently along, that I suddenly stopped short and looked up, only to realise that the front looks scary actually. That I haven't seen it coming all along. That there aren't flowers blooming ahead. At least, not within my sight.

And the worst part is that when you turn frantically around trying to find the "Help" sign, only AGAIN to realise that there isn't one right now. You feel LONELY.And when the night comes, when the darkness swallows you deep within, you realise the only thing you can do is to wrap yourself with the bare arms and stare up into the sparkly sky, hoping for the best.

And when dawn breaks, there you are, crouching next to a tree, smilling into the new beginning, ready to brave the new day again.

hey hey HEY!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Leadership Quiz - Your Results

Your results indicate that your leadership style is both: Participative and Delegative

Participative Leadership

Participative leaders accept input from one or more group members when making decisions and solving problems, but the leader retains the final say when choices are made. Group members tend to be encouraged and motivated by this style of leadership. This style of leadership often leads to more effective and accurate decisions, since no leader can be an expert in all areas. Input from group members with specialized knowledge and expertise creates a more complete basis for decision-making.

Delegative Leadership

Delegative leaders allow group members to make decisions. This style is best used in situations where the leader needs to rely on qualified employees. The leader cannot be an expert in all situations, which is why it is important to delegate certain tasks out to knowledgeable and trustworthy employees.Remember, good leaders utilize all three styles depending upon the situation.

For example:
Use an authoritative style if a group member lacks knowledge about a certain procedure.
Use a participative style with group members who understand the objectives and their role in the task.
Use a delegative style if the group member knows more than you do about the task.

This is what happens when I am too bored. URGH.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

"Mohamad Rosle Ahmad wrote in a letter to the editor: "I am sure Enron and Worldcom paid more than top dollar for their top executives, and look where their companies are now - six feet under."
Lee Kuan Yew, whose title is minister mentor, said naysayers like this need a reality check.
"I say you have no sense of proportion; you don't know what life is about," he said last month."

NOW we know why the increase the sales tax. The famous words of Lord Acton reminds us that "absolute power corrupts absolutely".

On a different note, I think I will die during the holidays. Work during daytime, dance my soul out night time. Practices are on every Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri. Sat is still unknown and probably used to choreograph moves. Goner.
Boy, do I need a long holiday this time. No more studying. God knows I was still overwhelmed by last semester. 6 biology subjects and that's not inclusive of our 3-hour lab time every week! What the freak? And only a month break before this semester (4 bio and 1 business) started and yes, it felt way too short. I don't know what my school wants seriously, you know you have studied more than enough when Master exchange students are sitting in the same lecture hall with me and our undergraduate students in other countries have nothing to take but Master's subjects. I am becoming nerdier by the second.


Friday, April 13, 2007

You know what I'd really like to do someday?

1. Visit North Pole

The rare phenomenon of the beautiful sun and moon together. ( Come to think of it, I don't know if this is even possible)

2. Visit South Pole

and see penguins in the wild!

3. Climb Mt.Kinabalu

Can you picture the satisfaction and victorious feeling upon scaling it????

4. Feast my eyes on Mt.Everest and Mt.Fuji

Feast, not climb. I think the Himalayas of Nepal is really beautiful.

5. See the whales

6. Galapagos Islands! I forgot this one!

I have always been very fascinated by evolution and this is the very land that keeps all the evidences and mysteries! To this very day!

7. Prince Edward Island

I love Anne of Green Gables collection (credit goes to my Darling who found the entire collection for me!)and really L.M Montmogery was so amazing! This book has thought me loads of things since childhood days ,especially one that I held onto very strongly - hope. And she had painted such a beautiful picture of PEI, of dreams and hopes! There is even a place where they built the Anne of Green Gables house for tourism. But then again, maybe visiting it might not be such a good idea after all. It would be like, being awakened from a beautiful, sweet dream, don't you think so?

Yes, I am not such a city girl. Don't really like the concrete buildings. Feel suffocated at times, don't you think so? The serene beauty of the nature can never be represented by those tall, concrete blocks. And it's sad, how we often tend to forget to pause for a few minutes, to just turn to the tree next to us and think, I wonder how old you are now?


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

okay okay I know this is not the best time to be thinking of what I want to do next time but I can't help it!!!!! I have been pondering and I can't help but to think that I can't just settle for a 9-5 job of an SGD of 2500 a month (and that's IF I get a proper job)!!!! I am such a spender! How am I suppose to support my dad and mom AND pay my study loan AND the bills, the rental, the good food that I love and the nice clothes that I can only drool for????!!!! Not to mention the travelling around the world that I'd like to do. Not to mention saving up a bit for studying AND for rainy days. Oh, I forgot to mention a car. *faint* And most likely a dog too while we are at it.

Since Exploit Tech came down, I have been thinking about becoming an IP agent. Reasons being:

1. It has everything to do with what I am studying
2. Science and technology is moving so fast and everyone needs their products or ideas to be patented
3. It involves one to predict whether the product will be able to make it or not in the industry ( I think I would like that)
4. It is professional. LOL.
5. OK, this sounds invalid but I can't help it that every numerological, horoscope and zodiac predictions ALWAYS and I mean always say that I should be involved in business, sales and law. Maybe this is good? its a combi of business and law anyway.
6. I like consultancy and advising as well.

Reasons NOT becoming one:

1. The manager I met told me that you have to know your stuff really well because you get shitty professors coming up to you saying, "Do you have a PHD?" before you even start advising. And worse response if you tell them your product is not going to be able to make it outside there.
2. Becoming an IP agent means doing an extra year in IP academy to be a registered IP agent. Now, I think I should also say that studying law doesnt exactly excite me.
3. I am not a very methodological person (as there are many procedures to obtain a license).

6 to 3??? hhhmm....... or heck, maybe I should just start a business. :P

ashe and ashlee

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Should have uploaded this but i forgot! yes!the 2 of them were in my university giving classes! :)

Walt Disney

He was an admirable man. One who was called the father of animation. One who had such vivd dreams and imagination that only words such as; impressive, inventor, genius: can be associated with him. I owe it to him to believe and hope. I owe it to him to remember that good and beautiful things do happen after all. I owe it to him for learning my English when I was young. How absurd of me to be sitting in front of the TV at every 5.30 in the evening to watch cartoons before or after playing outside. And it is even more absurd that a fully grown woman of 22 will answer to her nieces and nephew like that:-

Nieces and nephew: YiYi (auntie)!!!!!
(they will be in the living room and me in the room)

22-year-old: Yes??

Nieces and nephew: Spongebob Squarepants is on now!! Come out!!!!!!!!

22-year-old: OKAY!
(races to the living room)

Yes, I still love to watch cartoons to this day. And nothing could change that. I love the idea of hope and belief it brought to me. I love the idea of simplicity holding the beauty. I love the idea of how immature and childish it may seem, but yet has a deeper meaning to it. I love the idea that a simple 2-D animated cartoon is able to contain such a message and still make us laugh our heads off.

It never really hit me the immense work and art of Walt Disney until I went to Tokyo Disneyland. He did it. Everything over there is so magical, so true. I saw all the Japanese kids over there, wide-eyed, listening to every word that Mickey said, and was thinking how lucky these kids are. I was amazed, not just by the beautiful buildings but simply the feeling of me being inside Disneyland. I was the happiest of all the happy girls that day. It is the only feeling where one can ONLY feel it in Disneyland. I felt like I was brought back to my kiddy days. Like, everything could really come true if you believe in it. And, it will, you know.

Thank you, Mr.Disney, for not only building the most famous theme park in the world, but also proving to us that, really, we should keep on believing and hoping, holding on to our dreams and knowing that it will come some day.

Oh, just to note, Hong Kong Disneyland, is not that great.

High School Never Ends

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I love these awesome lyrics! :P

Four years you think for sure
That’s all you've got to endure
All the total dicks
All the stuck up chicks
So superficial, so immature
Then when you graduate
You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT!
This is the same as where I just came from
I thought it was over
Aw that’s just great

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who‘s the best dressed and who‘s having sex
Who‘s got the money, who gets the honeys
Who‘s kinda cute and who‘s just a mess
And you still don’t have the right look
And you don’t have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends

High school never ends

Check out the popular kids
You’ll never guess what Jessica did
How did Mary Kate lose all that weight
And Katie had a baby so I guess Tom’s straight
And the only thing that matters
Is climbing up that social ladder
Still care about your hair and the car you drive
Doesn’t matter if you’re sixteen or thirty-five
Reese Witherspoon,She’s the prom queen
Bill Gates,Captain of the chess team
Jack Black, the clown
Brad Pitt, the quarterback
Seen it all before I want my money back!!

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who’s the best dressed and who’s having sex
Who’s in the club and who’s on the drugs
Who’s throwing up before they digest
And you still don’t have the right look
And you don’t have the right friends
And you still listen to the same shit you did back then

High school never ends
High school never ends

Women abuse

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The women over at New Delhi,

- sexually abuse by husband (sometimes in fron of children) and more of them being exploited into sex tourism
- after tsunami, women sold off their KIDNEYS to make ends meet.
- with the amount they have, hopefully to help the family, was taken by the husband to drink
- after selling their kidneys, no proper follow up medication was given, leading to severe abdominal pains preventing them from work.

Why women are always the subject for abuse????? GROSS.

Places like Japan ( I know its the culture and I should respect them) but the super blown up ego of the men over there.... i tell you....feels like smacking their heads! I will never work for a Jap company!

What's wrong with them? At the end of the day, down right to the core, it's just the difference of you having a Y gene and me having a double X. If we respect you men, why cant's we get the same amount of respect back? HAH.

And there have been reports that Y gene is degenerating. Unstable telomeric ends. Facing extinction maybe???

Which goes back to proving my theory. That we were hemaphrodites (self-fertilised: have both sperms and eggs) to begin with and there was no male back then! *laughs gleefully*

Note: something is wrong with my blog. damn. all the writtings for previous post was gone!

Darling's Pre-birthday

Saturday, March 31, 2007

22nd March 2007! The usual people went out and celebrated darling's birthday and it was fun fun FUN! *smiles*
Went to XO bihun for a yummy dinner. Oh, and the group met Kris's gf for the first time!

I love the XO bihun! the group indulging in it...

The guys whom I met since my first day in NTU.... We no longer keep in touch that often anymore but still.... somehow pretty crazy when we got together. i guess some things just don't change after all... :) so nolstalgic to see the 4 of them again. (though for some funny reasons they refuse to take this pic at first:*rolls eyes* - GUYS)

That's darling the pre-birthday boy!

After XO bihun, *slurpz* we went on to Settlers'! and I love the place to pieces! Ok, this place rocks because...you can hang out and bond with your friends and no one gives a care how loud you laugh AND at the same time, you get to play games! Well, basically, this place serves all kinds of board games. They have 200 over variety of board games imported from all over the world...you can choose between the 'reflex games' (which are just mindless where you scream and shout but fun nevertheless) and the strategy games (where you use your brain). After a series of mindless games... screaming ourselves hoarse and laughing our heads off...we went on for more strategy-based games. oh, they have someone explaining all the games to you!

The game goes like this.
You have an umpire that draws a card and asks questions from it... say..

umpire: what happens on th 15th Oct 1954?

Nobody knows what happened on 15th Oct 1954 and if you do, you are a freak! So all of us start making up answers...and pass it on to the umpire. Umpire reads it out including the REAL answer and we are suppose to guess the real one! So, if another person thinks yours sonuds real....then you get a point! and if you picked the correct answer...you get 3 points! and hence move 3 steps on the board!
Blur? hahahahaha

Deon as the umpire who tried to put on a straight face while reading our answers.

Kris & the gf. Hilarious. What happened on 26th Nov 1945?
Kris & gf wrote: humpty dumpty fell of the wall.
more hilarious: brilliant Darling and I picked it as the answer.

Seong, the super crapper who tricked us so many times.
What does 'bladder pipe' means to you?
Seong: A rare Scottich musical instrument
More hilarious: Darling and I picked it again
Darn. Seong was laughing gleefully away.

What happened on the 3rd of March 1923?
Darling & I : Sir Jordan Knight found a fragment of Pleoptausaurus on the island of Makuki, Tasmania (something like that, of course i cant remember the name!)

:) well, we ve got one vote for it! ahahahahahhahaha

exquisite night.

Some funny answers by Jing and Kris:

What does PCAA stand for?
Pigs Can be Adults Again

What does JBDC
stand for?
Jane Blows Dick for Cash

Seriously. Darling and I thought that was the correct answer. :)


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

glad that my presentation went well!! so happy that people could understand me!!! not to boast about it....but it feels good to be doing something useful once in SBS! ;)


Monday, March 26, 2007

It's pathetic how I can't get a proper internship in the field I want. No answers from the 4 I have sent out just yet. Morale plunges lowly as for now.


Happy 23rd Birthday to my Darling!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Birthday darling!!! Got my darling an Eragorn book collection, though I don't think he is too enthralled by it....HAAHAHAHHA but I surely do hope he enjoyed his birthday as much as I did! We went to Settler's the night before with Mich, Deon, Seong, Jing, Kris and Ee Ting and it was good! Pics will be up soon for that one, but really I think I want to open Settler's in Penang!
Brewing on the idea still.....

Anyway, here are the pics!

Right at the beginning of the day while waiting for bus to go to JP. Watched TMNT and then went to Brewerkz!!!!!! Why oh why I haven't discovered this heavenly place before! Appreciation goes to Jason who recommended the blasting place! Basically, Brewerkz is a restaurant where the beers are brewed over there and gosh! Before Brewerkz, my vocabulary of beers are limited to Tiger, Carlsberg, Heineken and Hoegarden and I don't quite like it as it is bitter but after Brewerkz.... man.... my whole perception changed!!!!!! My vocab of beers have expanded to Golden ALe, Indai Pale Ale, Steam Beer, Wheat beer, Pilsner...oh my GAWD!

AtBrewerkz Microbrewery. That's the Golden Ale and Hoegarden (it doesnt taste at all like the ones from 7 eleven!)

See the blue lamp-post-look-alike thingy on the table?? That's a TOWER. Yes, a TOWER of stout where they have 4000ml in it. nuts. Even the food in Brwerkz has beer! *slurpz* and yes, the food is great there in Brwerkz

The scenery from Brewerkz right next to the river. The other side of the river is where all the clubs are situated.... directly next to Brewerkz was Iguana's where they serve the BEST maragritas and on the other side of Brewerkz, is Wine Garage! Tell me, aint it heavenly??? *dreamy eyes*

Darling and I. still pretty sober.

Darling and Aman the Northern Indian who has never EVER cut his hair before and who has a sister whose wedding lasted for a week in India!

Darling and I in Clarke Quay after the not-too-sober beer drinking.

Darling at the edge of flying high

Headed to Iguana's for the jug of Horny Toad margaritas.

Realised that Aman is not so sober after all

This is us after commenting loudly to the bartenders of Iguana that they were way too serious. And yes, we were sitting at the bar.

Wasted birthday boy.

Awesome answers

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Our lab technician sent us these.... and I nearly cracked myself over it!!!!!!! And yeah, these are exam answers!

You'd have to admit that some of them have awesome drawings!

Totally different way of seeing it!

he tried at least.... HAHAHHHAhAh

i thought this was the ultimate...until i saw THIS:

Hands down. Best answer. EVER. :)