Self Prediction

Saturday, January 12, 2008

For the year 2008, KN will graduate from SBS, NTU with a Second Upper Class with Honours in Biological Sciences with a minor in Business. She then clinches a position in Janssen Cilag as a Medical Sales Rep. She will start work in September and 3 months into work, she is already a top agent.

Before starting work, she will travel to Mexico with her boyfriend under the Global Summer Studies Programme and spend 4 glorious weeks around Mexico. As a side dish, she also makes a stop in LA and met up with her boyfriend's friends who shows them around. The rest of her time will be spent in sweet Penang with her loved ones.

In July, she will attend her school's convocation as well as the convocation ball, catching up with lost conversations with her pretty enstranged classmates. In the same month, she will rent a new HDB nearer to town, somewhere along Clementi and Redhill, and then moves in with her dear friend, Min. The little unit is cosy, equipped with a telly, gas stove and a washing machine. They will be looking into having a dog of their own. At the same time, she and Min will be handling the social entrepreneurship that they set up a few months back, raising charity funds for the cancer stricken people.

WOW. If only dreams and wishes come true. That would be mine for the year.


min said...

hear hear!!

sounds great babe!!!! =)))

nee said...

so a schnauzer? a terrier? hahahahaha