Adelie penguins

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I forgot these! The Adelie penguins! I love them because they just simply love to have fun and party and they are so darn cute! They are only about 70cm... 2 long rulers put together..hahaha and and they peck you like mad and try to hang on to you when they thought you are attacking them! heheheh use pebbles to make their nest and they lay poo all over the place... and they sing really well! =)

Poor Adelie chick...Bad hair day and strongly suspected he fell into the mud (don't know why they have mud but yeah they do).. hahahahahaha

" Do I look like an owl now???!"

Mambo Happy Feet

Little did I know watching a movie of penguins last night would thought me so many things in life! I thought it was just penguin-singing and this little tap dancer would have somehow attracted a female penguin though he tap dances. But it turned out to be so much more meaningful than that! That Mambo boy bought across the message of daring to be different and of all the things you do, having faith in yourself, is the top-most of your list of "most precious gifts in life". Having inspired by a little penguin (yes, I know but I get insprired at the weirdest things on earth), I wanted to know more about Antarctica ( always have been very intrigued by all these places; Artic, Antarctica, Galapagos, papua new guiney...) and their extremely hard-core way of living. And WOW. That's all I can say.

These are the Emperor penguins, featured in the movie. Stately and elegant (hence, the name), they are the tallest penguins around! 1.15m! That's more than half of me! nearly three quarters! Oh oh, that's the little kid! Chubby eh? I feel like pinching it! They can walk up to 280 km with their non-existent knees while we are... Us humans are urgh *shameful* ...

Ah! The march of the penguins! Look at that! They are heading south towards their breeding ground! Coldest of all times when all the other penguins head north! After mating, they brave the temperature of -20 to -50 degrees and the wind of 200 kmph! And that's the male penguins too you know, not the females. Females get to go into the sea to catch fishes while the males kept the babies between their legs and not eat for 3 months! hehehehehe sounds good eh? Male humans should take a leaf out of the penguin books. heheheheheheh

Awwww.... that little penguin trying to keep warm between papa's feet....

And there they are! The males waiting loyally for the return of the females (get the hint? hehehe) witht their offsprings... and these penguins can swim damn fast! Outswim the seals all the time unless that they are sick and weak.

I want to go Antarctica! I want to work with saving animals!!!

dreamy me

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

a gush of midnight dew smell, a lil' sprinkle of stardust with the softest sea breeze blowing, a dash of salty air flooded by the dancing moonlight......

that's how i feel right now. mmmmm.......


Sunday, November 19, 2006

what I feel right at this second:

1. my poor brain is flooded with information that it doesn't really remember and understand (you poor thing aawww)

2. i want to eat laksa and tonnes and TONNES of crabs

3. want to just DRIVE endlessly and i mean drive and not WALK

4. want to feast my eyes at the calm blue sea and listen to the crashing waves at the shore (thats when my mind is totally zonked)

5. would like to sit at Gurney Drive and just stare at the people walking by and at the dirty sea (zonked too, this one)

6. would like to sip my magharitas while smiling stupidly into the space (wondrous feeling, i tell you)

7. would like to down chivas and white wine while also smiling stupidly into the space

8. also want to just club, club and club (only on ladies' night heheheh)

9. and also to dance my heart out *prances around*


Saturday, November 18, 2006

"Most Malaysians are convinced that the eyes of the world are on their country and that their leaders are world figures. This is thanks to Malaysia's tame media and the bravado of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. The truth is, few people on the streets of London or New York could point to Malaysia on a map much less name its prime minister or capital city."

"It is time to move on, time to prepare the economy for life after oil. But, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, the Malaysian Government is more interested in stunts like sending a Malaysian into space when Malaysia's inadequate schools could have done with the cash, and arguing about wealth distribution using transparently ridiculous statistics."

qouted from "While Malaysia fiddles, its opportunities are running dry" Michael BackmanNovember 15, 2006 - Australia

How sad can it go? I always said that Malaysian government has been very successful in achieving the objectives of the education system: to instill the sense of pride in us. But there is always this knawing feeling inside me, this little voice that tells me that, success is not everyone's, victory is only on the government's side and that we have blatantly been blinded by it all these years. So blinded that sometimes we are so used to it that we don't even know that it is NOT normal! I don't know about others but the countless times I have replied, " What to do, it is an Islamic country." or " Aiiyyyaahh, they are always like this." ; it is just too many a time! I realised that we are taught to respect or in other words, keep our mouths shut up tight! And the best part is, we have been doing it all this while without us knowing it ourselves!Gosh! We never question why they never respect OUR RIGHTS, why Chinese are always and I mean ALWAYS marginalised, why the Chinese can never progress in the government sector....

And to a lot of people from all over the world, they always wonder why the Chinese in Malaysia never say anything about it ..... Bangsa bersatu?


I do think it is true when they say that grads and undergrads are splurging their money. I thought it was only me! It's so comforting that almost all of us are erm... spending so much! I thought I was plain terrible and wasting money with no financial management whatsoever. PHEW! We love indulging in (at least me)....

Nice food *slurpz*

sometimes we combine exquisite taste with luxurious settings....

and of course with exquisite taste comes expensive looks

but you don't wear these all the time! you need laidback clothes as well

and sometimes you got tired of it all and just want to relax....

and see the world maybe?

I don't think I can survive with my salary next time! And I haven't even mentioned the whole tonnes of things I want to buy for myself! *sob*


Friday, November 17, 2006

I have spent the entire night trying to figure out a new blogskin and I gave up. That's it! I am going to study my heart out morrow! *ROAR*

new layout!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

There! This is the best that I can do at this moment! Just finished my superb paper neurobiology!!! And I have 5 more papers to go! and here I am, lazing around for the whole day already! DARN... I am such a sloth...

Mary's Birthday

Thursday, November 09, 2006

DAMN sick of studying.... (not that I have been studying a lot; that's one big problem too) so I uploaded pictures on Mary's birthday! We went out to Vivo City, a newly opened mall in Harbour Front (one of the biggest too, I think) and it was freaking crowded! And I mean freaking crowded! But nice place though...

Birthday girl Mary and I and see the weird man?? Vivo City hired all these entertainers standing on platforms and making weird moves with the "shop" sign..not a bad idea..

Outside Vivo City near the sea.... Big snowman there

A closer pic of Mary and I.

And I haven't bought her a present yet!

harrowed up

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I have just received a text message from Mit today. And he asked me to help him to choreograph his item for upcoming biannual concert - Dancetitude (in August next year). And it has been preying on my mind ever since and I can't freaking study!
I know you all would have asked me to jump and grab the offer but ... I am not too sure about it and yes it bothers me! I am also well aware that Mit doesn't want to do it alone because Rizal bailed on him (Rizal is his original partner but apparently he doesn't want to do with Mit cos he thinks Mit is lazy)!!!

Why I am not too sure about it:

1. I have always thought Pat(my dance instructor) has certain doubts in me when it comes to dance. Somehow, I think that I am not good enough for him hence when he and the current committee were planning the concert and listing the choreographers, my name wasn't brought up. I don't blame anyone for that because I haven't REALLY done any choreography here cos SOMEONE will always stand up and offer himself (which I am pretty impressed by his guts cos I dont have that)

2. I am not sure of myself. I am 50-50 when it comes to confidence level. I think that I might be able to do it... but then again I do think that I lack certain skills.

3. What if people think I am not good enough???

4. Mit WILL let me do all the work (that lazy bugger!!)

5. It is such a big scale event (to me, at least)!!!! Who am I kidding thinking I can do it????? It gives me such shivers recalling what the previous choreographers did in the last concert! Bbbbrrrrrrr.....

Why I want to do it:

1. I LOVE choreography and I want people to see what I am capable of doing. I miss choreographing, something I haven't been doing for a long long time. (but then again, there is always a difference between LOVE and being ABLE to do it) and I LOVE teaching dance! And I do want to believe that I can do it!

2. HECK what people think (especially Pat)!! I am sick of living by people's standards and yes, I do want to spill the guts cos I think I've rejected so many oppurtunities that if "it" comes jumping and waving in front of me, I wouldn't have recognised it!

3. There is this weird part inside me that says that I don't mind if Mit let me do most of it! (Hmmm....but I am pretty sure I won't let him do that)

4. I don't think I am that least I know that I would be better than ONE choreographer. HAHHAHAHAAHHAAA (but damn, she has Rizal to help!)

5. Yes! I admit! Marie plays a role in spurring me to do this! Though a very very small role... Serious! It is not a practical reason, I know it myself! ( do not roll eyes at me! =P) hahhahaha

THERE! I feel better now that I have said what I wanted to say! I have always hold on to certain principles in life (yeah, conservative me) and one of it is to have no regrets when I look back next time! I think.....that I might regret if I don't do this and let it slip right out of my fingertips...